Tap Dance Made Easy / Eli Newsom / Astigmatism Prods.
Streaming / Digital Download TDME Vol 8: Beginning Combinations (Streaming/Digital Download)
Streaming / Digital Download TDME Vol 8: Beginning Combinations (Streaming/Digital Download)
STREAMING/DOWNLOAD ONLY (sorry, there is no DVD option for this video)
Tap Dance Made Easy Vol 8: Beginning Combinations is an all-new video for beginning tap dancers to put their new skills to use! Featuring three clearly-instructed dance combinations in three different musical and tap dance styles.
SAMPLE FROM the TDME Vol 8: Beginning Combinations Video
Special video features include:
Two camera angles: from the back, as if in a class, and from the side, showing a close-up of the instructor's feet.
Three different styles of dance combinations: Learn a fun ragtime, slower jazz, and faster swing style dance.
Difficulty Level: Absolute Beginning to Beginning
Happy tapping!
more info:
Running Time: Approx 65 minutes / Aspect 1.33:1 / Color/Stereo
Created and Developed by Eli Newsom
© 2019 Tap Dance Made Easy www.tapdancemadeeasy.com
Produced by Runefilms
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You will be sent: A download link to the movie file as well as an instant streaming private Youtube link (video download info: Quicktime compatible, video size: 1920x1080, file type: .mp4, download size: approx 2.5-3.5gb-- you will instantly be sent a link where you can download the file).
Great for iPad, iPhone, Android and other portable devices! (must be quicktime compatible). for Youtube link: internet access, web browser.