Streaming / Digital Download of Tap Dance Made Easy Vol 3: Time Step Boot Camp (instant download)
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About Vol 3:
“I created this DVD to feature one of the most famous and most requested types of tap steps, the Time Step. I have learned a bunch of Time Steps over the years, and this video will teach some of the most popular ones out there. Each style of Time Step will be taught in 3 versions, a Single, Double, and Triple (and in some cases, a Double Triple). All counts are clearly explained, as are simple rules that you can apply to make remembering them easier. Intermediate level.” Run time: approx. 70 minutes
After purchase you will receive two links:
(1) A link to STREAM the video via a private youtube file (compatible with smart TVs, Apple TV, iPad, Android, Kindles, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc!
(2) A link to DOWNLOAD the video file to your laptop/desktop. Quicktime compatible movie file (video size: 640 × 480, file type: .mov, download size: 1.3GB -- you will instantly be sent a link where you can download a .zip file containing the movie file).
Requirements: Quicktime player or Quicktime compatible media player (such as the free VLC player).
This is exactly the same content as the Vol 3 DVD, but in a convenient standalone media file.
Learn 4 main categories of Time Steps: ‘Shuffle’, ‘Stomp’, ‘Cramp Roll’, and ‘Traveling’. Learn the some of the most popular Time Steps in one video, including all the rules, counts, tips and techniques to make your Time Steps sound crisp and look sharp!
Time Step styles included in video: Shuffle, Stomp, Traveling, and Cramp Roll Time Steps.’
Difficulty Level: Beginning-Intermediate. Basic tap technique recommended.